Our Worship

Worship in Trinity is a wonderful time when we offer praises to the Lord in Truth and in Spirit. Our worship is also a time of intercessory prayers where we minister for Salvation, healing and deliverance through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Praise and Worship is an integral part of the service every Sunday. The Lord moves and inhabits in the presence of the praises of his people. At Trinity we believe that, real praise and worship of the Lord, brings in a powerful Spiritual anointing that eases the preaching and ministry of the word of God.

We are also praying and open to new upcoming talents on music and instruments. You are welcome to join us and use your talent in our Church.
Come to trinity and worship with other brothers and sisters through African Tunes and Melodies.

Upcoming Events
Bible Study, Sun, Sep 19th
11:00am - 12:00pm
Men's Fellowship, Sat, Oct 3rd
1:00pm - 2:00pm
VBS, Fri, Nov 22nd
8:00am - 11:00am